Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Twilight Zone goes off The Deep End

Mammoth Mountain Bike Park has opened its newest freeride trail, Twilight Zone. The highlight of this newest trail is “The Deep End”, a nine-foot tall, 50-foot wide, elevated, banked wooden bowl structure.

The Mammoth website says: "To get there, take a right off Chain Smoke and fly through a series of dirt jumps and turns leading into "The Deep End"... The Mammoth Mountain Bike Park is 100% open with over 100 miles of trails and 3,100 feet of vertical descent."

LA TIMES discusses the making of this trail:
"Perhaps the most unique aspect of Twilight Zone is the extensive use of recycled and reclaimed materials to build multiple aspects of the trail. Wood from old snow fences was used to create a series of retaining walls etched into the steep hillside, allowing riders to traverse otherwise unrideable terrain. Wooden support beams for around 100 feet of bridging were reclaimed from old Mammoth Mountain properties. “The Deep End” uses several large, steel beams reclaimed from local businesses to help support and frame the massive structure and is covered in a decking material made from reclaimed wood and recycled plastic. This undoubtedly will be a welcome addition among park regulars — especially those who make the 350-mile drive from the Los Angeles area. As for the new wooden bowl, it looks like a real gas." (From LA TIMES by Pete Thomas)

Photo courtesy of Mammoth Mountain Ski AreaCaption: "The Deep End" is an elevated, banked wooden bowl sure to enhance the expansive trail system at Mammoth Mountain Bike Park.

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